Motorola can be expected to announce a 'Plus' variant alongside the regular Moto G4 this year, if a new leak is to be believed. Phone tipster Evan Blass aka @evleaks has shared an image on Twitter claiming to show the Moto G4 Plus. While the image doesn't show the entire handset but it does show the home button which is likely to integrate the fingerprint scanner. Currently, it's not clear whether the fingerprint scanner is a standalone sensor or if it is integrated into the home button, just like Samsung's Galaxy handsets.
Recently, front panel of an alleged Moto X3 featuring a fingerprint scanner right below the display was also pictured in the wild. Considering that both the leaked images show similar setup of buttons below the display, we can expect Lenovo and Motorola to make the fingerprint scanner placement standard in upcoming line-up of Moto handsets.
Additionally, Nowhereelse has posted a bunch of images claiming to show the front and rear panel of the Moto G4 Plus smartphone. The leaked live image of the front panel of the Moto G4 Plus corroborates the presence of the home button. It also shows the Moto logo present at the left corner above the display. Another image showing the back panel of the Moto G4 Plus purportedly shows an all-new rear camera setup. Unlike the present generation, the Moto G4 Plus is likely to house a silver lining holding just the primary camera and LED flash. The iconic Moto logo on the back is placed separately in the middle and unlike previous generation of the Moto G is not attached to the rear panel.
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